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Summarizes motifbreakR results as a tibble from mb_to_tibble. See details.


mb_summarize(mbtibble, key_col = "gene_id")



motifbreakR results summarized with mb_to_tibble.


The name of the column used to key the txdb. Default gene_id. May be transcript_id or otherwise if you use a different value of level in get_upstream_snps.


A tibble. See description.


Summarizes motifbreakR results. Returns a tibble with columns indicating:

  1. ngenes: The number of genes in the SNP set.

  2. nsnps: The number of SNPs total.

  3. nstrong: The number of SNPs with a "strong" effect.

  4. alleleDiffAbsMean The mean of the absolute values of the alleleDiff scores.

  5. alleleDiffAbsSum The sum of the absolute values of the alleleDiff scores.

  6. alleleEffectSizeAbsMean The mean of the absolute values of the alleleEffectSize scores.

  7. alleleEffectSizeAbsSum The sum of the absolute values of the alleleEffectSize scores.


#> # A tibble: 1,335 × 10
#>    gene_id   SNP_id      tf    pctRef pctAlt scoreRef scoreAlt effect alleleDiff
#>    <chr>     <chr>       <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>
#>  1 100316005 chr33:7472… ACE2   0.986  0.783     4.85     3.87 strong     -0.980
#>  2 100316005 chr33:7472… ADR1   0.759  0.917     3.34     4.01 weak        0.673
#>  3 100316005 chr33:7471… AFT2   0.964  0.878     5.50     5.02 weak       -0.480
#>  4 100316005 chr33:7472… AFT2   0.902  0.740     5.15     4.24 strong     -0.911
#>  5 100316005 chr33:7473… AFT2   0.879  0.705     5.02     4.04 strong     -0.980
#>  6 100316005 chr33:7472… AGL42  0.859  0.693     5.14     4.15 strong     -0.986
#>  7 100316005 chr33:7471… AGL55  0.695  0.861     3.97     4.91 strong      0.939
#>  8 100316005 chr33:7472… ALX3   0.972  0.776     4.23     3.43 strong     -0.806
#>  9 100316005 chr33:7473… ALX3   0.919  0.773     4.02     3.42 weak       -0.600
#> 10 100316005 chr33:7473… ARG80  0.731  0.961     3.16     4.15 strong      0.993
#> # ℹ 1,325 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: alleleEffectSize <dbl>
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#>   ngenes nsnps nstrong alleleDiffAbsMean alleleDiffAbsSum alleleEffectSizeAbsM…¹
#>    <int> <int>   <int>             <dbl>            <dbl>                  <dbl>
#> 1      5  1335     950             0.798            1066.                  0.155
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​alleleEffectSizeAbsMean
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: alleleEffectSizeAbsSum <dbl>